Legendary Thunder Deity, Voltic Ra (R) S-BT06
1[Dragod] [Triple Buddy] "Legendary Flame Deity, Magma Horus" "Legendary Ice Deity, Freezer Horus" (Put this card together with "Legendary Flame Deity, Magma Horus" and "Legendary Ice Deity, Freezer Horus" on your buddy zone)
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
■ "Triple Buddy Call" When this card enters the field by buddy call, you may call "Legendary Ice Deity, Freezer Horus" from your hand without paying its [Call Cost].
■ If this card is on your center, all size 1 «Dragod» on your field cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects or returned to hand, and get power+10000 and defense+10000!