Deity Gargantua Dragon (SP)
■ You may use this card with all flags, and if it is your buddy, you may use «Dragod» monsters from all worlds.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [Counter] [Act] During your turn, call this card from the soul of a «Dragod» by paying its [Call Cost]!
■ D-[G.EVO] At the end of the battle of this card, draw a card, then, call up to one «Dragod» monster from your hand on top of this card without paying its [Call Cost]! D-[G.EVO] only activates once per turn. (D-[G.EVO] is also treated as [G.EVO]) [Move] [Penetrate] [Soulguard]