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Release date: 20th December 2019
All cards sold are in English
My Buddy! Danger world (RR) S-RC01
Wiebly the Phantasmagoric (RR) S-RC01
Gate of Verdict, -Judgment- (R) S-RC01
Gate of Pardon, -Forgiven- (R) S-RC01
Like the Wind, Nindog (R) S-RC01
Fanged Dragon Declaration (R) S-RC01
CHAOS Orser Kleinz (R) S-RC01
Cheered up! Garcat (R) S-RC01
Pharmacy Research, Magibird (R) S-RC01
Cataclysmic Invasion (R) S-RC01
Darkness Final Mission Card "World End" (R) S-RC01
Ninja Arts, Mat Flipping Technique (R) S-RC01
Erudite Dragon Emperor, Philosophia (R) S-RC01
Brave Energy Full Drive! (R) S-RC01