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Release date: 25th Sep 2020
S-SS01A: Battle of Valiant (RRR)
S-SS01A: Dimension Draw (SR)
S-SS01A: Vile Demonic Deity Dragon, Vanity Epoch Destroyer "Re:B" (SP)
S-SS01A: Rehabilitated Demonic Dragon, Vanity Revolve Destroyer (SP)
S-SS01A: Knight of Dawn, Lostknight: Gilt Lance (RRR)
S-SS01A: Rehabilitated Demonic Dragon, Vanity Revolve Destroyer (RRR)
S-SS01A: †White Flame Bloodeye† Pasion Eyes (SP)
S-SS01A: Vile Demonic Deity Dragon, Vanity Epoch Destroyer "Re:B" (RRR)
S-SS01A: Dimension Slayer (RRR)
S-SS01A: Dimension Restraint (RR)
S-SS01A: Alarro Delrillei (RR)
S-SS01A: †White Flame Bloodeye† Pasion Eyes (RRR)
S-SS01A: Black Wind, Ciel Kalvart (RR)
S-SS01A: Dimension Drain (RR)
S-SS01A: Aplist Doramis (RR)