S-SS01A: Govern Star Dragon, Ordinary (RR)
■ If you have an《Astrodragon》item equipped, this card's size on the field is reduced by 1.
■ At the start of your final phase, if this card is on your left, and you have an《Astrodragon》item equipped, you may pay 1 gauge and pay 1 life. If you do, [Stand] all《Astrodragon》on your field, and for this turn, all《Astrodragon》on your field can also attack during the final phase. This ability only activates once per turn.
■ At the start of your final phase, if this card is on your left, and you have an《Astrodragon》item equipped, you may pay 1 gauge and pay 1 life. If you do, [Stand] all《Astrodragon》on your field, and for this turn, all《Astrodragon》on your field can also attack during the final phase. This ability only activates once per turn.