S-UB06: "Buddy Police Agent" Nova Cemetery, Search Remnant (R)
■ If you would call a《Neodragon》or《Superhero》, the gauge cost written in its [Call Cost] is reduced by 1.
■ When this card enters on the left, put up to one《Star》item from your deck into your hand, and shuffle your deck. Then, if a monster with "Jackknife" in its card name is on your field, and you do not have an item equipped, you may equip an item from your hand by paying its [Equip Cost].
■ When this card enters on the left, put up to one《Star》item from your deck into your hand, and shuffle your deck. Then, if a monster with "Jackknife" in its card name is on your field, and you do not have an item equipped, you may equip an item from your hand by paying its [Equip Cost].