S-UB06: Shining Full Liberate Stream (U)
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
■ Choose and use one of the following two. You may only cast "Shining Full Liberate Stream" once per turn.
・Deal damage to your opponent equal to 2 plus the number of《Neodragon》on your field!!
・[Stand] all《Superhero》on your field, and for this turn, these cards can also attack during the final phase!
■ Choose and use one of the following two. You may only cast "Shining Full Liberate Stream" once per turn.
・Deal damage to your opponent equal to 2 plus the number of《Neodragon》on your field!!
・[Stand] all《Superhero》on your field, and for this turn, these cards can also attack during the final phase!