Rainbow Gem Crystal Dragon, Kirschgeist (RRR)
[Call Cost] [Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul & Pay 3 gauge] This card on the field cannot be destroyed, nor returned to hand by your opponent's monster effects. At the beginning of your opponent's final phase, destroy up to two cards on your opponent's field, and draw cards and deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of cards destroyed. [Double Attack] [Soulguard][Call Cost] [Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul & Pay 3 gauge] This card on the field cannot be destroyed, nor returned to hand by your opponent's monster effects. At the beginning of your opponent's final phase, destroy up to two cards on your opponent's field, and draw cards and deal damage to your opponent equal to the number of cards destroyed. [Double Attack] [Soulguard]