X-BT01/0040 (R) - Flaring Chief, Excite Homura
[Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
When this card enters the field, destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field and put a card from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone. If there are twenty or more 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 in your drop zone, destroy all cards on your opponent's field and put all cards from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone instead.
[Lifelink 2]
When this card enters the field, destroy a size 2 or less monster on your opponent's field and put a card from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone. If there are twenty or more 《Dragon Chief Emperor》 in your drop zone, destroy all cards on your opponent's field and put all cards from your opponent's gauge into his or her drop zone instead.
[Lifelink 2]