X Duel Chest "The Chaos" Deck (52 Cards)
1X Duel Chest "The Chaos" Deck comes with the following:
- A constructed 52 card pre-made deck.
- 1 Wisdom Life Counter
- 1 deckbox to store your cards
Decklist (52)
1 x The CHAOS (Wisdom Mirage Art)
1 x Proto Deleter, Geargod ver.088 (BuddyRare - Purple)
Monsters (32)
4 x Proto Deleter, Geargod ver.088
2 x CHAOS Breastcorona
2 x CHAOS Gilquine
2 x Oniseer of Autodeity, CHAOS Ibuki
2 x CHAOS Death Tallica
2 x CHAOS Jesterra
2 x CHAOS Champion Lord
2 x CHAOS Deathgaze
2 x Sentry of Autodeity, CHAOS Dra-gollum
2 x CHAOS Stregia
2 x Ladis the CHAOS
2 x CHAOS Kalvados
2 x CHAOS Zodiac
2 x CHAOS Orser Kleinz
2 x CHAOS Mach Braver
Spells (12)
2 x Chaos Wall, Healing Barrier
2 x Externally Controlled Chaos Guided Missile
2 x Forced Summoning: Shalsana
2 x Population Reduction
2 x Chaotic Pain
2 x All According To My Volition
Items (4)
2 x Watchsword of Autodeity, CHAOS Laevateinn
2 x Chaos Shooter
Impacts (2)
2 x Directive Code: Forced Reboot!